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The Music Ministry seeks to provide an atmosphere for members to express themselves using music. Allowance is given to be as expressive as the Holy Spirit dictates. We minister songs from various genres such as spirituals, hymns, anthems, gospel, quartet, contemporary Christian, worship, rap, and hip-hop gospel. Our goal is to meet the needs of every individual in one worship service.
Seeks to help youth and young adults share their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self-image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, and foster social change. We encourage youth participation in the worship service as a means to develop personal spirituality and a strong prayer life. We promote the application and integration of Christian principles and values to daily life.
Seeks to encourage, equip, and empower women to enter into a love relationship with God through prayer. To understand that Jesus values women and we are all valuable and important to the body of Christ. Jesus died for women. Jesus healed women, Jesus empowered women, Jesus taught women and Jesus loves women. So, we come to Christ in worship, we connect with other women in fellowship and we serve others through ministry.
Consists of all the men of the church. The Men’s Ministry does a bible study geared toward maturing men and allowing them to take their rightful place as leaders in society and the home. It is the desire of the ministry to teach men the art of being a man, not just a male by worldly standards.
Seeks to meet the needs of the community outside the four walls. This ministry is designed to help people overcome and walk in victory by lending a helping hand in areas such as food pantry, clothing, rebuilding lives, and much more.
Marriage Ministry MORE (Making Our Relationship Exciting)
Teaches how to live a sanctified life, according to John 17:17 “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”. The marriage ministry will support inspiring couples and marriages and give them tools to build and grow. Learning what the realistic direction looks like, according to God’s word. To provide a spiritual focus to enjoy the three Fs (Fun, Food, Fellowship). Minister to individuals and/or groups as needed.
Carries the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media as a worship and outreach tool. This ministry not only provides the technical support required for our worship services, but also records various events, teachings, and sermons, which are made available online and through social media.
Is committed to loving on guests and helping create an atmosphere where everyone is welcomed. They are in charge of the greeters, follow-ups, telling people about our facilities where the bathrooms are etc., making sure that no matter who comes in that door they feel at home, and that they are family.
Is committed to the preparation and serving of food and beverages for funerals, receptions and other church-supported activities while staying in compliance with the quality standards required for health and safety.
LOL Young Adult Ministry (LIVING OUT-LOUD)
Consists of men and women in the church whose ages range from 18-30 years old. This ministry provides a fellowship for young adults to discuss life topics as it pertains to the Christian living through Biblical principles, fellowship, and social outings, and provides a loving support system of other young adults to lean on for strength.
Usher Ministry
The Usher Ministry shall minister to the church by greeting and seating guests. The Ministry Leader shall be responsible for educating the ushers regarding their duties. The duties of the Usher Ministry are to be present and posted before the start of all services, to greet worshipers and hand out materials such as bulletins; to ensure rooms are comfortable, to assist in finding seats once services have begun, and to help escort the handicapped and the elderly.
Mission Ministry
The Mission Ministry is to serve and assist those who are in need inside and outside of the church. The Mission Ministry receives and spreads God’s word by visiting the sick, shut-in and bereaved families. It continues to support and fellowship with area churches and mission ministries. An annual day is observed once a year. The Mission Ministry receives monthly dues from mission members that are used to meet the church’s financial goals. The Mission Ministry Leader is a charter member of the Church Council that meets on a monthly basis.