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We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired. It is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction; and it has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter. We believe that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us, and therefore is, and shall remain to the end of the world.
We believe the Holy Bible teaches that there is one, and only one, living and true God, an infinite, intelligent Spirit, whose name is Yahweh, the Maker, and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth; inexpressibly glorious in holiness, and worthy of all possible honor, confidence and love; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.
We believe that God, in His omniscience, anticipated a rebellion, and had already formed a plan that would redeem humankind and the scarred universe. This plan would evolve through a chosen servant (Abraham), a chosen nation (Israel), a body of divine law, a series of divinely-controlled tribulations, a message proclaimed by chosen prophets, a personal visit to the earth by God’s only Son, Jesus through His death and resurrection.
We believe that the Christian Scriptures teach that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace; through the mediatory offices of the Son of God; who by the appointment of the Father, freely took upon him our nature, yet without sin; honored the divine law by his personal obedience, and by his death made a full atonement for our sins.
We believe the Christian Scriptures teach that Sanctification is necessary and is the process by which, according to the will of God, we are made partakers of his holiness. We believe that it is a progressive work; that it is begun in regeneration; and that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, the Healer and Comforter, in the continual use of the appointed means especially the word of God, self-examination, self-denial, watchfulness, and prayer.
We believe that Jesus established the church for a distinct set of purposes:
Worship, Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, and Ministry.
The commandment to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, and soul, is a call to WORSHIP.
The commandment to love your neighbor as yourself is a call to FELLOWSHIP.
The great commission in Mathew 28:19 is a call to EVANGELISM and DISCIPLESHIP.
Mark chapter 16:17-18 exhorts believers to MINISTRY.
To be a multi-cultural, multi-generational, bible-based church that believes strongly in the practice of "Agape" love and sharing the gospel of the Lord with the world. We believe that First Baptist Church NBC has the power to bring people together and to heal the divisions that so often tear us apart.
To save the lost and teach the saved to serve, meeting people where they are by stepping outside the four walls to nurture their spiritual walk; help individuals strengthen their relationship with God; provide a place of worship where people are loved, God is exalted, and lives are changed.
We further engage to watch over, pray for, exhort, and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Savior.